A part of something way bigger.

If I see a dope shot (something that speaks to me) I'm going to try capturing the moment if I can. If not, it's a mental capture. 📸

Living more in the moment is allowing self to step back more and look at the bigger picture. Even saying less, sometimes. It's less about individual perspective and more about what's greater at hand. You're less serious, without edit, more relaxed and open to receive all things constructive that may lead to more appreciation of the bigger picture.

It's humbling, actually. I'm so small but a part of something way bigger.

Don't get so caught up into the little things to the point where you miss the opportunity to soak in the now..and appreciate the bigger picture. It's where you are right now. I'm grateful for that realization.

My newest screensaver is one that timely popped up from a Bible app. It happened to be Luke 22:42.

I hope this new month leads to divine alignment for you. 🙏🏾You're a part of something way bigger. Inhale, exhale and soak in what your journey is trying to teach you. ✨


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