Book Alert!!

A married friend gifted me with this book, in turn I gifted it to a few close friends as well. Initially, I was like hmmm.. why'd they gift me this? 🤣 I don't post real-time updates of my personal details so, yea it was initially one of those 👀 moments Lolol!

Then, I was like, "Well, I'm merely a student and I don't know everything—so, I'll give it a read!" There's always something new to be discovered and applied accordingly. I think they knew me well enough to know that I take all "ships" seriously —from friendship to forever-ships. So, this was a great gift. If you're reading this blog, thank you!! I'm moving to the next set of books now. 🥰

But, whether you're single, dating, engaged or married -it's a good read ! It's filled with practical principles, solid references and perspectives. Give it a read. On to the next book for me! Great work Pastor Michael Todd.


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