Take Care of You.

What a rollercoaster this year has been, right?! Everyone I know has encountered something that wasn't expected or hurt them in some capacity.

Simply put, life's not fair. It truly does hurt at times. Sometimes, it hurts beyond our ability to clearly articulate it. So, that typically leaves you in a frustrated hunt for words (word search like) that come close to what you're feeling. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you won't.

Please be patient with yourselves. If you can't articulate it, write it out. Whatever you do, don't hold on to anything. Speak on everything with a trusted person.. This year is heavy by itself. Be kind to yourself. Take care of you.

No one has it all together. Self reflect, be real, be kind, patient, water yourself and reposition to get a better you.. The world most certainly needs you around. So, please..take care of you. Make a daily intentional effort to do so.. 


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