
The goal of this blog is to share tidbits of essential things that provoke thinking, appreciation or planning.

Today, I woke up with, "Be grateful for all things (lessons, revelations, blessings, answered prayers, etc.). Some are what you needed to experience in THAT season for what's to come."

Of course, I immediately thought on the vast majority of all things encountered this year which was death. Back to back deaths at that. And, I thought—none of that did anything but crush me internally.

Then, I thought on the occurrences where I found myself indulging heavily in life's joyous moments and fully enjoying myself in the present moments. That's when it hit me...

Embrace the NOW. Continue to embrace the now. Embrace what each season taught or took you through. If you allow yourself to be present, you'll enjoy the true GIFT of the PRESENT moments.

You are rooted, yes. But, each season will enhance a different aspect of your growth and purpose here on earth. Just embrace it..and grow with it.

I'll always say this to those I'm able to connect with:

Focus on the now. Focus on those who love you without a doubt. Appreciate the now. And, appreciate the fact that God doesn't require perfection—he just wants a willing heart.

I still believe. I believe in God. I believe that even in our most broken moments, that it's been an opportunity for God to display why we need him the most. Yes, the seasons may have their tumultuous moments. But, they've also displayed the beauty of life and absorbing the heck out of all of the good moments it brings as well.

Take care in this season. Embrace. Re-evaluate. Reposition if need be. Get the most out of THIS season. 

“Every season is one of becoming, but not always one of blooming. Be gracious with your ever-evolving self.” 
- B. Oakman

💛All Love, Sheena B.💛


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