The longest final act; love.

Our family is huge.. We've lost some powerful women this year (3 for me, personally). I'd be lying if I said I was okay. Grief takes time, the stages of it are never in order and ultimately you just want it to stop hurting, quickly. But, grieving cannot be rushed.. You bury yourself quicker when you rush. Take your time. Give yourself grace. Give others grace. Talk. Cry. Express. Forgive. Heal. We all came
from women and men of power, strength, wisdom and grit to say the least. But, in these moments be each other's strength, grit, power and strength. We don't have to be strong's literally too many of us. We 'gon be alright. ♥️πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’ͺ🏾


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