Sticks and STONED...

I always ask God to HELP me pray for the hearts of those who've intentionally tried to hurt me. 

Notice that I said, "Ask." 

Because, if it's left to me — I am no longer turning cheeks. Period. 

But, God is a God of mercy. And, since I am a child of thee most HIGH, I choose to let God handle those who've tried to handle me, maliciously. 

It's not easy. Mainly because the kind of love I give and am capable of giving would never allow me to hurt someone intentionally. 

My hurt has been healed. I've forgiven some of (what I feel) the hardest things. 

Therefore, there's simply not a space inside of me that thrives off hurting others. 

I decided to add a prayer that I've prayed: 

Dear Lord,

Please help me when those around me try to bring me down. Allow me to recognize the hurts and issues in their lives and how I can be of help to them (or just transfer it all to you God). Help me to keep my natural human tendencies in check and not to retaliate back. Quietly remind me where my true worth and value really lie. Give me comfort in knowing that You are leading me on a better path and give me the strength to continue pursuing it. Please clear my heart of any issues that will hinder me from praying for those around me. In Jesus' Name I pray, 


I'm in a match my frequency but don't you DARE try disturbing it or you'll deal with higher up consequences-phase. Life's too short. Please clear out and fill your hearts with love...


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