Be about love. Choose peace.

It doesn't matter how much love you show—If they don't love themselves, they won't love the love you give. People can't appreciate what they cannot understand or what they've been robbed of. If you're a person with a big heart, lesson 1 is to never take it personal. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with how they feel about themselves. 

Be grateful for the real people in your corner. Appreciate the love that everyone can't see. Everyone can't touch that. Reach out to the real people on your team and express your gratitude this month. And pray for the ones who prey on you but fail continuously because of Gods hand on your life & purpose. Genuine hearts always win in the end as they are covered. You can't be for everyone. But you can love 'em all with a long wooden spoon of distance as my Grandma would say. #Blessings 🙏🏾

Sheena B. ❤️


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