Got Power?

I always see quotes that talk about others knowing your potential and may even be threatened by it—yet, here you are doubting yourself. Why is that? Why doubt? 

I think many things contribute to self doubt. The leading factors are not knowing who you are and all that you’re made of. 

Take time to get to know YOU. You’ll get to know you as you get to know what GOD says about you and who He says you are. 

Genesis 1:27

Jeremiah 1:5 

Deuteronomy 28:13

Psalms 139:14

Jeremiah 29:11

Romans 6:6

Romans 8:28 

1 Peter 2:9 

..just to name a few. 

Get to know who you are becoming. They don’t call ‘em growing pains for no reason. This may be the season to stretch, so grow through it. Be patient with yourself. Give yourself grace when needed. You’re only human. We are not Avengers. Forgive the parts of you that need to be forgiven and make room for future improvements. Train yourself to find the silver lining in everything. Focus only on the good. 

You’re powerful. You HAVE power to speak life & positivity into existence. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. They see your potential. They just hope you don’t. “They” are the enemy... and will soon become a foot stool. Step into your power sis. Step into your power bro. Own it. It’s rightfully yours. It was created just for you to uniquely use it to help draw others to Christ and to give others HOPE.

Much, much love..

Sheena B. 



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