Women En Blanc Anniversary Brunch 2018

Women En Blanc Anniversary Brunch: A Day Well Spent.

Event Date: Sunday, June 24, 2018

Electrifyingly ambitious, energetic and positive vibes spread at the speed of light during the Women En Blanc Anniversary Brunch. Well done Mrs. Adrienne Ruff!

From the beautiful esthetics of decor, to the rich setting of environment, the networking, entrepreneurs vending, the delicious delicacies, to the phenomenal host, guest panelist and speaker—this event was phenomenal! The DJ was awesome, and the photographer captured priceless memories. It was most certainly another groundbreaking event for women who've set out to awaken a vision. If you weren't in attendance, you surely missed out. So, please make sure you're at the next event.

An efficient vision is one that will benefit others. Adrienne Ruff's vision is operating fully in that exact manner. The Women En Blanc Anniversary Brunch is most definitely the proof.

I'm that person who shows up to absorb & dispense as much knowledge and experience possible. So, of course I took plenty of notes. Here are some of the highlighted take aways:

➖Be authentic.
➖Be humble, yet confident.
➖Be of service.
➖ "Write the vision. Make it plain."
➖Invest in self for a change.
➖ Embody your worth. "Add a zero."
➖"Secure the bag."
➖ Use your gifts before you lose the opportunities attached to them.
➖Audibly set deadlines & finish early because, being on time is late.
➖ Always operate with integrity and grace.
➖ "You'll never be admired without being criticized first." - Grant Cardone
➖ "I want for my sister what I want for myself."
➖ "If my sisters are winning, my win is next." Support one another.
Personally, I was raised to rejoice (genuinely) with those who rejoice. It's electric. It's right. So, to be amongst female leaders who feel the same was amazing!

This event blessed and benefited me in more ways than one. I met some fabulous women and relationships were established for future growth. I'm also thankful for my sister who reached out and made sure I attended with her. Iron truly sharpens iron. I paid for my entrance & exited this event highly inspired, enlightened and motivated! I urge you all to stay tuned for more to come from She Is Visionary.

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