Face it. Then, fast forward.

Everyone has that memorable moment when everything just clicked. For that brief moment in time, things made sense. But our desires tend to impair our vision sometimes. It allows what's in our heads to weirdly align with what we see..or what we think we feel. And this is where the fractured vision comes into play. Reality gets aborted and illusions are birthed. How sway?

 Who can honestly say that they are okay when their ideal image or how it should've been or should be....isn't quite their reality? Why do we lie to ourselves yet we want to disburse truths to everyone else? Perhaps it’s a coping mechanism—one that aids individual pain while attempting to help others heal. But, why not just start at home base? ..Cope with fantasy versus reason, versus common sense  and reality. I believe that we are the most affective and influential once this is done.. Pieces that matter most to your puzzle will finally start to fall into place. You’ve got the border pieces. They’ve been there. Focus on the core. That’s what stands out the most—whether you realized that or not.

Even though life can be unpredictable, I disagree with the fact that control is an illusion. Choose truth. Choose to live wholey and not in impartial pieces. 

Here's a tiny piece of advice:

Take what's revealed and apply it to whatever unanswered questions or open wounds that you have left.  "You cannot heal what you don't reveal," Shawn Carter said it best. 

-Sheena B. 


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