Do You Know YOU?

"No matter how many times you try to reinvent yourself, there's one thing you mustn't forget. If you don't get your your core healed first, the top layers that you wear are ephemeral—short lived, momentary. The world doesn't need to be convinced before you've convinced yourself that you know you. Or that you value, you. You must know where you came from. You must know what you're made of. You must know what you are capable of. Know you before you try to convince others. You'll fool around and intertwine their perception with your actual worth.. And oh, my..what a pity that'd be. Please stop bending. Compromise is not a power. Knowledge of self worth is." #AndTHATisYourPower #Writer #Author #Speaker #MyWords #SheenaBenson #LateShare #SoYoullSeeItFirst


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