Poem: She's Too Dope

"She's too busy with her blueprint. 

Her interactions leave an impeccable imprint. 

Her passion burns so mightily, amazingly--it cannot be cinched. 

Approach with caution.

She's building something spectacular. She's surviving--all while dancing in the rain, until the pain just dissipated. 

Careful in choosing with whom she's associated. 

Embodying substance, confidence & wisdom--she walks with her head high yet she's balanced with a sense of humility. 

Checking her reflection, reminding herself of her abilities. 

Oh, yes girl..you are enough. Sufficient. 

Lacking fear, 
She walks with the mood of, 'I was here'

Use wisdom with your approach, don't take it lightly or move too swift.. 

Take heed before you proceed. 

Because it's no myth.

She really is too dope to play games with."

#Snippets & #Excerpts.. 

Written by Sheena Benson © All rights reserved 2017. 


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