And STILL know God

I saw this pic and had to repost. It's because we're truly nothing without God. If you think you have to be boring, if you think the walk will be easy with no pain or hiccups, or if you think you have to live one way in front of others and another way behind closed prove a point or be accepted.. chile, someone has sadly mis-informed you about what it means to be a Christian/Child of God. He takes the broken/crushed spirits and mends, he turns the worst parts of your life around into something spectacular, he can take the intangible desires of our hearts and make them a reality... only HE can do this. And if you're a child of his, you have access. #Repent #Connect He can use who HE wants to draw others to Him. My encouragement today, is to keep your relationship with God #Lit ... never let anything dull your light, shine. And never apologize or shy away from the light that HE gave you. Nothing can separate you from God's love. #StayConnected .. don't disconnect for nothing/nobody. (check out Romans 8:31-39.. I love 38 & 39)


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