Change Is Possible

Take a moment to watch this clip from Preachers of Atlanta.

Sorry for the long post..
I usually don't get into these types of shows but on this episode of Preachers of Atlanta, there's a Pastor who is also a Police Officer.. How dope is that to be able to introduce God to people in the midst of their worst made decisions ever... For them to see that there is a love out there with no contingencies or pre-requisites attached ..just unconditional, forgiving, replenishing and believer at a time. This guy here had several run-ins with the police..until he met this Officer who saw something different than what the previous Cops saw.. He saw that this guy REALLY wanted to CHANGE but he couldn't on his own, with his own efforts alone due to circumstances. This is what it's about...using what God gave you (Profession, Calling, Your Gifts/Talents, etc) to reach as many as possible. Life boils down to choices....make sure you're on the right side. #Choices #Change #Prayer #Life #Breakthrough #preachersofatlanta #ThisPastor caught my attention with his outreach.. Sometimes all it takes is ONE consistent person who sees that you want to change for the better.. Don't miss your opportunity when presented to see that in the eyes of someone. #Change isn't easy, but it's worth it. Stay focused... #BeeFocused


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