

It's such a delight to God when we believe that HE (not your friends, fam, significant other, jobs, etc) is the TRUE source. The more we believe, the more we grant God access to show up in our lives and make the impossible EVIDENT for you as well as others to witness the POWER that He has. I'm writing this and I'm embedding yet another scripture to my memory bank.

I'm just sharing what I'm discovering. Pray to be more fearless. When you think about it, we (especially me) are so BOLD to set out and do so much.. Soooo much ! Why is it so hard to apply that same amount of courage and boldness to set out to do what the Creator is calling you to do?

It's fear..

Whether it be small tasks, or big tasks ..practice doing things (good things) without knowing the outcome in GOOD FAITH..

And watch God work.


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