Your Mistakes

Our mistakes aren't always necessarily the things in which we think. According to the scripture, our mistakes come from not knowing the word and the power of God. Two things. I was amazed myself, like how could those be mistakes? Well, not knowing that his grace is sufficient, that he is your protector, provider, supporter, director, comforter PLUS more .. could hinder all of us. Better yet, get this--not knowing that he doesn't love us like the world does (conditionally & upon certain terms) but forever, eternally and unconditionally, He loves ! We have MORE power than we think. This is what I gathered from this mornings devotion, of which you'll read below. Stay focused, rid yourself of all negativity/distraction & be great on purpose today ! Enjoy & pass this along to someone else that you care about.

Jesus replied, "Your mistake is that you don't know the Scriptures, and you don't know the power of God." (NLT) ( Mark 12:24 )

"Do you know what God is capable of? Have you experienced it in your life or read of it in the Bible? There's nothing like reading stories in the Bible and being able to apply them to your life today. Building your faith upon those who displayed great courage thousands of years ago honors God and His power. Don't make the same mistake as the religious leaders of Jesus' time."

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