Tony Gaskins Quotes

This was more than a coincidence to me.. After weeks, months and years of wondering, "WHEN?" ...I see this float across my Facebook News Feed today.
I've never met this man before, but somehow I feel that God will allow us to cross paths one day.
I just have a testimony..
A story that I know that will inspire others..
The thing about being "transparent" is being wise enough to know the WHEN.
When iSpeak, I want to make sure my words heal, restore and give hope.
Jesus knows, Jesus KNOWs I'm far from perfect,
But iThank GOD that He knew that iWas worth it.
"Appreciate the CLIMB, that's where the growth is" - Tony Gaskins
Keep moving forward Mr. Gaskins. You are certainly a well used vessel of God.
Sheena B.
A Writer In Ohio


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