Letter From My Heart

I felt compelled to write a post from my heart quickly..

And I'm sure it will reach and touch someone..

No matter what it seems like, you are never alone; never #TeamME ,

You are not forgotten, You are loved..

You are not forsaken, You are not mistaken

You embody a supernatural strength that many cannot comprehend--including yourself

The moment that you tap into who YOU were truly created to be...

You will be one force to be reckoned with..


Stay behind God,
Stay Humble,


Because you can bet your bottom dolla' that there will be a testimony.

Do not feel inferior to anything

Do not feel ashamed or less than what you truly are..

You are the testimony

People will come to believe once they see you make it..

Once YOU tell them how you made it.. they too, will believe and follow suit..

Your life is your testimony




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