Faithful VS. Deceitful Kisses

I commented on a conversation a family member of mine had regarding "keeping her peace"..and ended up sharing wisdom that helped us both. I've always been the one to speak first then think later.. But as I grew up, I realized that wasn't necessarily the greatest approach at times, so I became silent--I watched, observed & never forgot the things said, done or how it made me feel. With more time (life has a funny way of teaching you things), I  learned that it's better to speak and free your mind ..rather than harbor things that bother only births an internal form of poison that rots you from the inside, out.  (The back and forth lessons of life)

"Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." Proverbs 27:5-7 ...

**I'd rather you hurt me with the truth, than to 'kiss' me with sweetly, sugarcoated lies. Period. Point. Blank.**

Yes, there's a 'right time and place' for everything--but the truth sets no appointments just shows up & delivers. We just have to thicken our skin & learn to 'bite a bullet' every now & won't always like what you hear but at times--but it's probably necessary. Some people know when they're causing havoc and some don't until you speak your peace. Sometimes it's  healthier to just keep it 100. Just communicate  your feelings/thoughts & simply keep it moving, you feel me?

"Never allow anything to stay in your mind rent free. If it ain't paying you [or benefiting you in some type of way] , it needs to go", release it. Renew your mind & heart daily. The two are way too precious to be the landlords of all things slum.

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