"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward towards finding the answer..." -Denis Waitley  

#allFiltered #iNeededIt #teamAbsolutelyNoSleep :-/ 

Saying goodbye to anyone you love is always hard.. Always .. I've lost a couple family members to Cancer.. In the past 3 years.. It leaves a sickening feeling in the pit of my soul to lose yet another beautiful person. I know you guys are at peace & no longer suffering .. But it hurts like hell to know I'll never see you again. Life has taught me that pain is inevitable and instead of running from it, we should learn to embrace it..and search for solutions to change things going forward. Still searching.. Until we meet again.. May your souls rest in Heavenly Peace & your spirits will continue to comfort your loved ones..  C.R.B & B.D.M 


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