Matters Of The Heart❤💭

*chimes in to Kelly Rowland's new hit, "Dirty Laundry" ..

"When you're soaked in tears for years, it never airs out. When you make pain look this good, it never wears out" ..

::::No Dirty Laundry Being Aired Here Though..So Relax::::

But, the chorus made me think.. Like Kelly Rowland looks GOOD. Like, GREAT! *heart faces* While listening to the lyrics, I'm thinking we wouldn't have ever known! (Whatever the real details are)

But, moving on..what if our faces reflected what we held in our hearts? Some are masters at masking their emotions but think if we couldn't.. Like, how pretty, ugly, handsome or 'cold' would you be? I mean, no filters--noooo nothing.. Just the matters of your heart.

Would it make you free some of the things that you've held hostage in your hearts? Or would you keep mastering the craft of 'fooling everyone but yourself' ?

I'm not sure if its me getting older, or I'm just thinking way too much .. But, if there's something ugly in your heart , let that stuff goooo. It's not healthy from any angle--no matter how you look at it. Let it go.

Pure heart. Pure intentions. Pure reflection. I know its not easy...and it honestly may not be possible for some, but... It's probably worth some effort.

Makes me thank God for building us the way that he did.. It gives us time to heal and repair internally--without the world watching the entire process... #2ndChances


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