Why I Hate School But Love Education||Spoken Word Video

Now, before you jump to conclusions about this video, let there be no confusion..I am not anti-education--in any way. I actually made it through part of the cycle & obtained a degree in Business Administration. I'm ALL for promoting the need for education. More importantly, I'm all for promoting the need to find your passion/purpose in life 1st and then educate yourself on how to walk in your purpose. I just wanted to share this to see how others view/value education. Why or why not? 

"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." - Jim Rohn

How do you view education? Do you set out for it for self, do you do it because its expected .. Or because its truly a prerequisite?

 I saw this video on Facebook 1st when a friend shared the video.. It's part 1 of 2. Be sure to check out the follow up video to this one, titled "I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate". The young spoken word artist, "SuliBreezy" is from the UK. He believes "education means inspiring someone's mind, not just filling it." Education is viewed and held to different lights in different countries, yes..we know this is true. Some see it as the only means or promise to a better life. Then, there are others who see it as an accessory, bragging rights, a badge of pride, etc.. but aren't trying to do anything with the degree. Watching his videos will definitely have you thinking about the re-characterization of education. Also, it makes you think if you've already accomplished these goals (school, careers, business owner), you know to continue to work harder--the journey was worth it, indeed. 

But for those who are either just starting or pressing through school to get to your desired degree, it will make you think first.. How bad do I really want this? Am I doing this for me? To prove that I'm not a statistic & say society you're wrong? Or am I truly investing my life, time & money into something that will definitely be worth the fight.. Into something that will make a difference.. Something that will help you live a legacy or help leave a legacy for someone else..


  1. This young spoken word artist said, "education means inspiring someone's mind, not just filling it"... Jay-Z said , "you can pay for school but you can't buy class"....
    But more importantly .. Sheesh .. Then even the bible said, "why should fools have money in hand to buy wisdom, when they are not able to understand it?" Prov 17:16...
    Educate self .. For self. And for no other reason. Whatever you choose to do ... You look good doing it outta passion.. Any other reason is a waste of time & talent!


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