Love Is The Lighter Load

"So, I've decided to stick with love, hate is too strong of a burden to bear" - MLK 

This came from a man who literally experienced hate in the rarest of all forms, all in hope* for a greater outcome.

It's always, always tougher to 'turn the other cheek' .. But, with time we learn that it's better. It may not feel good at that moment..but its always the better choice regarding the future.. The best comeback is no comeback at times. 

Life will teach you that's it's best to just...

Love those who are both worthy & unworthy. Whether it be up close or from afar, it's a far lighter load to love than to hate. Love the present, no matter how ugly it is -- I guarantee that seed of hope will later blossom into something beautiful..all because you chose to love in-spite of.  Bitterness & hate will only consume & deflate the carrier internally. You pretty much concoct what will be the demise of you, yourself. Talk about a cold case..sheesh. 

The saying/proverb, "you reap what you sow" proved itself to be true today (as it does on many occasions).  I'm pretty sure no one ever thought that Dr. Martin Luther King's DREAM would be manifested & witnessed with such unity, clarity and class..

God Bless & Protect our President, the First Family & our Country as we embark upon an extended journey of change, in term two. 

Happy Martin Luther King Day (everyday) .. The Dream never died.. Lets all, individually do our parts to keep it alive. 

Love is the lighter load. 'Lighter than a leaf in your pocket' as proclaimed by Elle Varner :)...  it is the air that we all need to breathe & succeed.... 

P.s... Judge me not for the slightest errors. This was all typed from my beloved iPhone. It was closer than the lap top. :) 


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