What Rihanna Wants Most In A Man - Oprah's Next Chapter - Oprah Winfrey ...

Toughest shells often have the softest core.. Although I'm still in shock that Rihanna has agreed to having such an "open" & "transparent" interview with OPRAH.. I'm left to question WHY? In addition to that, I'm thinking this has to be a publicity alley-oop for whatever is coming up next in her life..

As I watched the episodes--I have to say that I was unexpectedly moved..seriously, I was. I felt where she was coming from in a sense that she wants a man that knows her worth, someone to share moments with, or a 'partner in crime' as she jokingly referred.  The most important thing is knowing your worth first.. you can say you know it, but if you fail to actually OWN it.. anybody can slap a clearance sticker on you and take off.

I've been reading and learning more about what it really means to love.. I mean, like to live it, breathe it, all of that. From experience and from observance--I learned that there is a root cause of  broken  relationships. I see so many women/men so drunk off of love to the point where their vision is blurred.. then the actions are blurred.. And ultimately, their character is blurry--which to me, is the most dangerous affect of it. I am NOT defending Chris Brown what.So.ever.. Nor am I accepting this as a reason to alter who you are just because of a bad experience. I said that to say this-- I've learned that in order to effectively love.. we have to start by loving GOD. We have to actually research and learn about God's love with the same amount of effort as we give when we're trying to detect a lie, or "spy" on your significant other.

No one is meant to be alone. No one. I strongly believe this. I read in the book of Genesis that God created us for fellowship. Adam--then Eve. The downfall, the door for hurt, lies and anything else negative flew open as they became aware of their wrong doings & were ashamed.. From that day forward, it seems like the world has been in an on going maze for what was originally intended for us to have handed to us by GOD. For instance, Love--that was a given. Respect--that was a given. The feeling of being loved or needed--that was a given. The feeling of being protected--that was a given. Honesty, that too was a given. Selfless Love, that also was a given. Communication, that was a given--there were no secrets or hidden motives to worry about. Self control--that was a given. Patience was a given. Slow to anger--that was a given.  Not being jealous, that was a given--we wouldn't have had a reason to be* jealous. Humbleness was a given. Love was something that kept no record of wrong done--this was also a given. Love, being preserved--this too was a given.. But from us, the world and generations to come--ALL of this has been HIDDEN. Something that started off as such a beautiful thing, now has to go through tests, trials, soap operas.. *heavy sigh* etc. etc. etc....

"Oh, why wouldn't God want me to be happy? I'm sick of being sad, and mistreated. Why? Why? WHY?" Although I feel its natural to ask.. I feel obligated to share my revelation..

Give to God your Heart. Give it back to Him..because truly we have all overlooked our REAL 1st Love.. Get to know Him, spend quality time with Him (praying, reading the Word, etc.) If its anything that's been revealed to me, its this: We cannot love effectively until we have experienced His love first. Oh my goodness, I cannot tell you enough.. experience it for yourselves. If you are a woman/man who was ready to give up or currently ready to say "forget love".. do this..

Give your heart back to God.. How? You say it to yourself, in your mind, with your heart or in the privacy of your own bedroom or office.. "God, I trust you to hold my heart as I get to know more about you, your love and grace.. Hold on to it until the deserving person is ready to hold/guard it with their soul--my mate for life."

It's cool to date.. You get the opportunity to see what you like or don't like in some cases. But the important factor is this--don't give your power, your glory, or heart to every person that you date.. You guard that.. or in the case of some, they aren't ruffled because God is holding it. The principles of love are so dynamic. You don't have to be stuck in the maze of questions, doubts, fear or hurt.. the answer..the knowledge begins with the Creator.  Once we have the fundamentals down pact, we learn to avoid so much.. I refuse to believe that Love hurts sometimes..because the core of its origin is everything but that.. Do your  own research though.. The book of Genesis just may be a good place to start.. then hop to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Google it, do whatever you have to do.. but you will find that TRUE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is found no where but IN/WITH God 1st. You must learn it first in order to effectively reciprocate it..

I am* glad that Rihanna is finally 'opening up' though.. Maybe this will shed light to all of the young women who admire her to do some soul searching and re-evaluating.....

My point is until you know God, for yourself..you don't know truth or love.. we can't give or speak on what we do not know..

......But that's just my take on it, my prerogative backed with a pretty firm* source. I'm done. Hope you enjoyed it. ;-)


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