Appreciate Great Leaders

The message I got today at church made me proud. I love my Pastor & First Lady. I'm glad to know that when they pray, their prayers make it through to God. There are no interceptions for their intercessions.

They are selfless, strong, genuine, down to earth, loving & non-judgemental people. Our church is non-traditional. It is a come as you are type of church. They focus on saving souls not handicapping your growth by giving only half truths. There is no manipulation--only truths. You do with it as you may. They are not money hoarders or beggers. They  only teach the principals and importance of paying tithes. It's your choice as to whether or not you will actually do it. They are not flashy people. You don't have to worry about your money being used for anything else other that the glory and edification of God and growing in ministry.
They're goal is to save souls.

I'm PROUD to be underneath such leadership. 

Resurrection Power
Get Familiar
Then Get There. 

Matthew 16:18
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

I now understand why a lot of churches have so much mess stirred up within them.. It's the devil's #1 Enemy. If he can destroy the church and or its leaders, he can corrupt and destroy it's content. Know ya word.. Lord knows I'm learning more and more by choice on a daily.. you need to know these things so you can protect yourself first, then your church home..the word is truly a weapon.


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