Mysterious Connections & Networking

I was privileged to do some Spoken Word this past Sunday for Young Adults Day. We focused on the spiritual gap, and needs of those between the ages of 18-35. I honestly didn't know that our Church had so many people there within that age group. My Pastor requested that I work with another young lady (Jasmine Bowie) in putting together a program. Jasmine delegated and I delivered. I was nervous because I was going to recite my piece before the Speaker came up. Why was I nervous?? Well, the Speaker happened to be an extremely young woman who'd accomplished SO much..SO early within life. I didn't want to fail with my delivery.
 She was a beautiful blend of cultures--Black/Chinese, single, God fearing, 3rd Degree Black Belt holding,  29-year-old-SURGEON. Yes, a Surgeon, at the age of 29!!! She delivered a message that just so happened to coincide with my Spoken Word. That was God. Afterwards, I was able to speak with her and she spoke with magnitudes of motivation. She shared things with me, that came from God about my talent & doors to be opened soon. It was just an awesome, awesome experience. 

The piece posted below, is what I shared, "The Enabled, Disabling Themselves". Crazy thing is..I wrote it around 1am in the morning--coming into Sunday. I had NO idea what I was going to share or write. I happened to be entering a building for a family member late Saturday night, and based off of my experience--the revelation of truths was born. That's GOD. Some people are amazed when I really show & share my God given talent. I got a standing ovation from the entire congregation, the 1st Lady, along with other figures stopped me as I walked back to me seat to congratulate me. All the while, I literally kept saying, "That was God.." I love writing & I'm not afraid to speak in front of large crowds. I have plenty to share--wait, scratch that..I'm currently sharing plenty. I'm learning to stay silent and remain still. It's the only way we can hear the next instruction of moves. Whatever you are passionate about, whatever your talent is, use it & watch something miraculous take place within your life. How are you so sure, you may ask. What have you studied? Who are you connected with that will make these "plans & dreams" happen. Well.. for one, I am connected with the Creator who created you from clay & blew life into you.. Don't question the capability or extent of God's favor, grace & connections.... Anything is possible, through Him. Enough said, right? I agree.

So, if you ever get to experience me delivering spoken word, speeches OR singing... Know that it isn't me, its the talent that God gave me to use. When you use what he gave us, He's happy. But when we use what God gave us to glorify him and touch His just 'gon 'head & look up and open your arms open wide to catch the many blessings that He'll be dropping down to you.

Stay humble & encouraged.
Great things are right. around. the. corner.

*Late Night Writing, Again*


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