Passion's Slave...

"Thou hast been...
A man that Fortune's buffets and rewards
Has taken with equal thanks.....Give me that man
That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him
In my heart's core, aye, in my heart of hearts
As I do thee......."

I know you're probably looking at this like..soooo she's an English Teacher..or a Philosopher now huh? lol. Nah, not at all. I just enjoy reading different books that give me a different perspective on life; insight. But anyways, what this quote is referring to is Self-mastery--being able to govern yourself. Allowing sound judgment to lead you & not emotions.. Don't fall victim to becoming another slave of passion. People VALUE sound minded people, critical know, wise & chill. Any decision made in the heat of the probably the worst thing to do. (*makes a mental note*)

Self -mastery has to be one of the most valuable, intangible assets in this life. The phrase, "passion's slave" came from an Ancient Greek word called Sophrosyne. It refers to the "care and intelligence in conducting one's life; a tempered balance and wisdom"

Up reading another book by Daniel Goleman..

*More Late Night Writings*
I'm out.


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