If we have FAITH, then why do we WORRY?

  I think it's pretty safe to say that we all have our share of problems..it's definitely a common denominator. And I'm pretty sure that we all know that how we react, or respond to an issue will determine alot. It will determine how quickly you'll get out, or how long you'll stay in it. Sometimes we can get so overwhelmed with life; there are sooo many responsibilities, so many people depending on you to succeed....or fail in some cases.. That's a pretty huge burden, especially if you're not sure of how you will make it through the next day, worrying about things (family needs, finances, bills, employment, health, goals, relationships, etc. etc.). It's boggling how we find ourselves worrying about something that God holds the solution to *already*.

This is something that I'm learning to do:
**Seek God 1st
**ASK for guidance/help
**EXPECT to receive it
**SHARE it with the next person..
you know, something like a testimony
(Maybe they'll start to believe more too)

Life is more than just bread, water & money. Yeah, we need all three to survive..but what's survival without the PROVIDER?
The One who made bread, water & money..
When we run out of those 3 things...then what??

Matthew 6:25-34
(Check it out)
I promise, there isn't an issue that I deal with that I can't find the solution to via the Bible!

Say what you want..but there ain't one thing new underneath the sun.. Everything that's happening--already happened before.. Therefore..there's already a solution written in stone. We're just too stubborn to look it up.. We'd rather rack our minds to come up with ways to solve it ourselves. That's not a good move because it causes us to worry; worrying creates stress, confusion and anxiety (not healthy)

Stop fiddling around with your own "resources", trying to figure out tomorrow. Stand still in TODAY and know where your TRUE HELP comes from. Because I can tell you...that help doesn't come from many around you, but if you look up & TRUST.. watch what falls down to you.. Nothing but mercy and blessings..

Writing gives me so much life..I'm so grateful to have it as a talent..I'm only trying to utilize it.
*Late Night Writing, Again*
Hope you enjoyed it.


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