Do I REALLY Have To LOVE My Enemies?? Ugh.

You ever have a situation, or a series of events in which you feel like you're continuously being TRIED? Or a situation that you're placed into where the other party(ies) are trying to discreetly hurt you while simoutaneously smiling in your face?? Oh, you have those issues too?? Okay, cool. The post below should help you, like it calmed me as I wrote it. Stand still, and let God move.. Enjoy!

But I (Jesus) say unto you, LOVE your ENEMIES, BLESS them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and PRAY for them which DESPITEFULLY use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust
Matthew 5:44-45


I have a nice smile, great upbringing, solid morals, standards and (improved) good judgment..
But when I can clearly see that someone is deliberately trying to hurt me.....its only natural that a few of my human/fleshly instincts kick in. The pleasant smile wants to shift into a smirk, and I initially want to return the deed.. But vengeance isn't mine..So I dare not try claiming it.  I could easily do to them what they've done to me, effortlessly.. But I never do.

As we grow older, we find that lashing back to get even only gives temporary gratification and it could come with long term ramifications. I've learned to SMILE, inspite of the obstacles being thrown at me. Even with the potholes set forth for me to stumble and guessed it...iSMILE. And I love it. It confuses the enemy, just as praise does.. The more you try to block someone elses blessings, you're only lifting them HIGHER to catch them QUICKER. So, umm..yeah..Thank Them In Advance ;-)

So with that being said, to those who deliberately attempt to hurt me...Just know that I love you still..only because my FATHER said I have to..

Sometimes its better just to let GOD handle our light work.. His judgment is way heavier and long lasting than anything that we can conjure up.

Hope this post helped you..Because it most certainly helped me.

Please excuse me while I exit to my song by Jill Scott
"Living My Life Like It's GOLDEN" (inspite of it all)

The Road Ahead Of ME is what Inspires Me..My Journey Is FAR From Over.


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