I notice a lot of things on a day-to-day basis. If you turn left, you're wrong. If you look right, you're wrong. People will constantly say that you've changed, or you're not the person you used to be. But don't get sidetracked--it could also be that they actually NEVER knew you. *shrugs*..just a thought. My point in blogging about this is to say, seek GOD & DO YOU!!! There will always be an opposed one, nay-sayer, an opponent, an enemy, a co-worker, friend, or a family who will have something to say about what you're doing and how you're living YOUR life. You cannot, and I'll repeat it just because I can.. You CANNOT please everyone. Take time out daily to be synced with God and what/where He wants you to do with and go with your life. Nothing else really matters. You can't change what people say or think, not can you please em all. With that said, you know who you are, what you're capable of and what direction you desire to go in. You, yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses.. Surround yourself with those who will keep you competitive, and sharpen your strengths. Cut off those who encourage your weaknesses. Be Real with yourself  FIRST, before trying to please folks-you'll fool around and lose yourself, trying to live up to the image that OTHER people have painted of YOU. Can't please 'em all, I stopped trying a long time ago.



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