~*No Love Lost--Consider It A Gain*~

It's odd how easily ONE person can distort your definition of Love, Loyalty, Respect, Family Values & Trust.

I hear it too often:
 "I'm stingy with my heart, time & attention"
"I don't trust nobody"
"I'll hurt you, before I allow you to hurt me"
"I just have trust issues,my guards are just up"
"The outcome of  my last relationship still hurts, so that's why I'm slow to love.." ...just to name a few.

 I can't say that I've never said any of the above myself, but with time, wisdom and prayer, you'll learn to let go of past hurt and start disbursing love again.

Let go of the past IF :
It is hindering you from exceeding your true potential as an individual.
It has turned you into a Negative, Pessimistic Person.
If its abused you in ANY way; mentally, emotionally or physically. (love doesn't hurt you, nor does it seek out to destroy your confidence.)

WHY?? Because....
"Love is always patient; love is always kind; love is never envious or arrogant with pride. Nor is she conceited" - 1 Corintians 13:4

I understand that it hurts in a ridiculous way to be scarred by someone you loved; while subsequently thinking they loved you too...

I was the girl who said, "I'd never get my heart broken" and after it happened, I was the same girl who built THE tallest walls up ... Even the most Athletically Inclined Man couldn't make it over.

And I honestly do believe that because of those walls built out of hurt, anger, and fear of encountering the same experiences again----I missed out on a couple great things...

Stop being AFRAID.... Hurt Heals With Forgiveness and Time.... But A Closed Heart Will NEVER Feel Love...

Find that person who caused or contributed to the problem, make a mends (at least on your end), let them know that you've forgiven them.... And WATCH what God does for your Life after that... Bricks will be lifted and set beneath your feet as a new found, sturdy foundation. Stop living in bondage....your past should never have THAT much control over your FUTURE...

Enjoy Loves... Lets Move FORWARD

"Time Don't Back, It Goes Forward...Can't Run From The Pain, So Run TOWARDS It" -Jay =)


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