**:::F O R G I V E:::**

I heard the most profound thing regarding  forgiveness this past Sunday at Church (May 2, 2010) .  We had a Speaker/Prophetess fly in from Spain along with her Husband.. I was taken back once I found out that she was indeed a REAL Prophetess, and immediately wanted to sit as close to an EXIT sign as possible. I tend to get jittery--'please don't tell my life story today if we lock eyes' is what I was feeling. *Just Being Honest Here*

But as I listened...She began to speak on forgiveness--how to forgive. I immediately looked up from my phone (shame on me right) and tucked it away into my purse...she had my un-divided attention..

She covered allot of insightful, verbally artistic metaphors.. but one statement stood out.. it doggon near jumped from her mouth and crashed within my heart--She said,

"Forgiveness..TRUE Forgiveness is being able to see those who have hurt/wronged you in a beautiful sense"

Instantaneously, my human thoughts said, "Well I STILL See Allot of UGLY People...." *shrugs*.. But as I continued to listen, her words almost marinated within my soul..she was right. Although I'm yet to see those who've hurt me in a beautiful way just yet...I'm working on it. Sounds Cliche, but Express It..Let Go & Let God Babydoll/Young Man.

Someone even asked if they forgave a person..but they still get emotional over what that person did to them, had they REALLY forgiven them.. If You SINCERELY forgave them for what they said or did--then its done. However the memory never dies. It's quite natural to still feel some type of way afterwards.. But as long as you really let go, its done. Bitterness/Resentment shall NOT reside within your Heart any longer..

"Forgiveness WON'T Change The Past--But It WILL Enlarge The Future" -Unknown ..

I'm so sincere when I urge you all to "STOP Dwelling in The PAST...For It Is Truly Envious of Your FUTURE..Defeat The Past By Learning to Forgive in the PRESENT.." -Sheena B.

-Much Love,
Sheena B.

www.twitter.com/FoxySBee  .... I've Got Allot To Say ;-)


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