Don't Ask Why, Just Keep Going

You ever sit back and think "WHY ME?"

I catch myself asking this aloud from time to time...

You wonder why things never go through as planned,

Why people lie so much, or take you for granted,

Why your seed hasn't grown...with much faith & hope you buried when that seed was planted..

BUT....I've learned that we are NOT to Question God. Everything happens for a reason.. you may not always agree right away..but the outcome usually works in your favor.

God saw fit to Bless me with a Beautiful Child
He also saw fit to give me a bus load of responsibilities in addition TO my child
All along, HE knew that I'd come out on top..even when I had my doubts..

I won't say much at the moment, because I have to be careful not to boast..but He has CERTAINLY looked out for Me as a Woman, Mother, Student, Future CEO, etc. etc.

My Point is This:

When things get tough..keep pushing. Keep swimming up stream..against ALL currents. When you REALLY trust in GOD for what you want...HE Provides beyond belief. Enemies desire your genuine friendship, opposers/doubters support you beyond belief, locked doors began to fly open...

I'm speaking from experience.. Lifes too short to focus on who did you wrong, what didn't go your way..because this Life you're living really isn't yours to begin with... God allowed you to borrow it.. & He's allowed you to do as you please with it. But as you circle back to the beginning point, and realize HE is the Navigator of your life--you start to dismiss the "why me" become grateful. Every Set Back REALLY is a Set up for a Come Back. 

Sorry for the word Just wanted to share that. =) 

Talk To Ya Soon ! :-p 


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