Main Chick / Side Chick = THE SAME! duh ! I've seen allot of chicks ranting about whos the side chick, and whos the main one...

My Philosophy from Your standpoint may not matter much...but since you're reading my blog--my say apparently means SOMETHING...**politely smiles** So, bear with me as I prepare my thoughts for y'all ..

*Ah-Ahem! Clears throat**.....I felt compelled to discuss here it is :

Ok, soo a Main Chick and a Sidechick were conversing one day **hilarious visual right?!** *pats my leg* as I contain my laughter.. =)

So, the Sidechick says : Well He Loves Me..

Mainchick: Oh really? Well he loves me too...

Sidechick : That nucca be lyiiiinng, oooh i Swear tah-Gah he be lyiing!

Mainchick : Yep...tell me something I don't know...

((Is it just me....or should that convo end right there??))

It's flat out RETARDED to me! At the end of the day that guy is USING the both of y'all dummies ! Funnier thing is this....There's probably a THIRD, FOURTH, or FIFTH chick who thinks She's actually the WIFEY... pardon me while I BARF **

When you put yourself in a position to self-title yourself as the Main, a Side, or THE Wifey... find yourself a stage so i can shove you across it... GRADUATE ALREADY ! sheesh ! Your mindset is CLEARLY under major Construction..

I guess the more important is THIS .... What divides y'all if you're both/all subecting yourselves to the SAME ((SEX))... I mean, you might as well consider yourself as being BI....b/c you've kissed her and vice versa.. Read in between the lines..b/c I'm sure I have younger people reading as well..

With that being said, you're putting your HEALTH and SANITY at risk all because this ninja told you he LOVED you ??! gtfoh! If you haven't noticed, its become a trend..EEVERYBODYS SAYING IT.. ltms (laughing to mySelf), and smh.

So in a semi-conclusion, I guess what I'm trying to say is go find your standards and TOSS em BACK up in the AIR.. FAR FAR FARRR UP! Because you've clearly allowed a "Thousand-aire" to snatch em down.. I'm sick of hearing about this iish.

Everything from a







......makes me wanna get up out my comfy seat and SMACK fire out of ya Simple behind ! You're not only found to be entertaining to the GUY, but also to the WOMAN you call yourselves upstaging... Have you ever sat back and thought about who you call yourself competing against??? Or what you're actually gaining by staying in the RAT RACE??! Seriously, don't you think you can afford the lil Red Lobster Dinner, Bakers Shoes, Vicky Secrets and KIDS FOOTLOCKER crap he's buying you YOURSELF??! Why subject your emotions and health to a nucca who truly only needs you for a quick release?....DON'T Worry--I'LL WAIT** ***taps foot, glances at my G-Shock***

You ever wonder why that chick isn't putting is as much work as you are to keep that man?? **Still WAITING** She's probably been there, done that, and finds humor in chicks as yourself..I'm sure shes quite Tickled.

"A REAL WOMAN needs no title nor does she need an Introduction. She speaks with a minimum of words, her PRESENCE & very BEING is sufficient enough to never make a huge fuss..." - Yours Truly ;-)

Y'all BARBZ need @MAJORREST ASAP! Look em up on Twitteeeeeer ! Oh, and follow yours truly as well **how could I not shout out myself??** lol, You make your circle look weak and yourself insecure... the only title you NEED to be concerned with is being a RESPECTED **W-O-M-A-N** *flings Remy over back* lmbo !

Sooooo UNTIL you GAIN or EARN THAT* title....then its quite simple... RAISE YOUR HAND TO SPEAK.....


Get Your Note Pads OUT--all gum & cell phones AWAY...If I catch ya twittering, you better be ReTweetin'

Pay Attention...


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