God Works In Mysterious Ways

Wonderful things happen when you Let GO , to Let GOD handle things. I've gone through sooo much within the past 2-3 years. From balancing out Corporate Jobs, becoming a Full-Time Mommie & a Student. Things were never easy, but I endured with prayer & the support of family/loved ones. If I could describe it, or illustrate it, I'd paint is as a roller coaster. I love my LOW moments...because it made me appreciate my HIGH moments. Its more like a motivator. Learning how to make it, and endure throughout the worst of times strengthens you. It will KEEP you on TOP, level headed & HUMBLE. And amongst the obvious, it keeps you away from slipping back to the bottom.. They say the "bottom is already crowded, so reach for the top" .. So many people at the bottom are in a comfort zone.. they feel that there's no hope in reaching the top, so they've succumbed to a bottom-like lifestyle. Stop looking around, and basing YOUR reality off of the person next to you. You will become whatever YOU strive to be. Network. With GOD, ALL things are possible.

With that said, I had the pleasure of meeting Michael Bivens & his Wife Joy Bivens today. They're spirits were beyond beautiful & I felt blessed to be within their presence. Mr. Bivens is running for Judge this upcoming November. If elected, he'd be serving within Franklin County Court of Common Pleas.

If Elected, He Pledges To:

"Serve the citizens of Franklin County with both integrity and honor, with a diligent mind towards providing fair access to the courts, and an efficient administration that maintains consistency, moral courage and strict adherence to the law."

With Experience, he's served as an Attorney in Private Practice, he has Jury Trial experience in Criminal & Civil Litigation.

*His General Law Practice has also included Personal Injury, Real Estate, & Property Law as well as Business Law.

For More information please visit http://www.michaelbivensforjudge.com/ . Lets Place Someone in Office Who CARES.

Also, Please Become a Fan On Facebook To Help Spread The Word. Type in Michael Bivens or Joy Bivens to locate the Fan Page.


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